Ministry Teams
More Information Coming Soon!
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an elder or deacon, please contact Dan Lloyd at (765)324-2347.
Lead Elder: Dan Lloyd
Trustees are the legal representatives of the church and responsible for overseeing the upkeep of church property.
Lead Trustee: brad stevens
Finance Team
The Finance Team is responsible for handling the church's finances, including budgets.
Team leader: Devin Bell
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team helps further serve the community as the hands and feet of Jesus. They create ways to love on others inside and outside the church!
Team leader: Janet Lloyd
Missions Team
The Missions Team helps organize mission trips so we can go out and serve the Lord and others! Past mission trips include Haiti, Pinehaven Christian Children's Ranch (St. Ignatius, MT) and Oblong Christian Children's Home (Oblong, Illinois).
team leader: megan schafer
Montana Mission Trip 2021
Outreach Team
The Outreach Team hosts events to further reach the community and provide a safe place for everyone to experience fellowship and Christ. Past events include the Hickory Hustle 5K, movie nights, and much more!
team leader: Erin Parsons
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team serves as another resource for church and community members when they need prayer! We believe prayer is crucial to our communication and connection to God. If you have any specific prayer requests or would like to join this team, feel free to contact Todd Blair at +1(317)441-7231.
Team leader: Todd Blair
Dorcas is our ladies' ministry here at CCC! The Dorcas women host the annual Ole Hickory Days pancake breakfast and their annual auction, organize funeral dinners, send greeting cards to church members, and more. If you are interested in joining Dorcas, contact Lora Woodard at (765)491-5665.
Team leader: lora woodard
Youth Team
The Youth Team helps organize and plan lessons and events for 419 Student Ministries, our Jr./Sr. High youth group here at CCC! If you are interested in serving on the youth team, please contact Adam Neyhart at (765)652-8011.
team leader: Adam neyhart
Worship Team
The Worship Team plays during our Sunday morning services! If you would like to serve on this team, please contact Hannah Doke at (765)271-2947.
team leader: Hannah Doke
Christian Education
The Christian Ed Team focuses on our children's ministry at CCC. They work with the youth programs we have for children ages 2 - 5th grade. This includes VBS, B.L.A.S.T (Wednesday night program), and other fun events!
team leader: Lora Woodard
Team Leader: Matthew Harris
Stronger marriage​ team
This team focuses on strengthening relationships between couples while keeping Christ at the center of it. Past events include date nights where childcare is provided at the church!
Team Leaders: Steve & marie Howard
safety team
This team focuses on the upkeep of the church when it comes to safety protocols and the overall protection of the people.
Team Leaders: alex morehouse & jacob garrett
tech team
This team runs the soundboard, computer, and livestream during Sunday morning services. Contact Jillian Dunbar if you are interested in serving on this team!