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Job openings at ccc

are you up for a big transition?

Here at CCC, we are currently in the process of transitioning away from the traditional Youth Minister position, and more toward a Family Life Minister. Our goal is to equip more disciples in the church, grow church member involvement, and encourage spiritual growth throughout the whole church body. We are aware of challenges that will arise as we adapt to having this new position, so we are more than willing to learn and grow alongside whomever steps into this new and exciting role here at CCC! As you prayerfully consider the full job description below, feel free to reach out to our administrative assistant with any questions at or 765-324-2484.


To apply for a position, please email resumes to

family life minister

Full-Time Position

Personal Development

  • Schedule one “personal development day” each quarter. The purpose of this day is to  renew one’s personal relationship with God by dedicating it to quiet time, personal study,  prayer and meditation.

  • Schedule one “ministry field day” a year to visit with and learn from someone else working  in your area of ministry. This is a day to visit their church, discover new ideas, and gather  resources that will help the ministry of Colfax Christian Church.

  • Once a year you will receive a week to attend a ministry conference.

Personal Qualifications  

  • 3+ years of Youth Ministry Experience

  • Biblical degree is preferred

  • Must be self-motivated, organized, and passionate - as well as a “team” oriented person

  • Must have the ability to equip, motivate, and encourage church members to participate in  youth programming (K-12)

  • Ability to maintain confidences concerning congregational matters and finances

Summary of Responsibilities:  


  • Maintain a good working relationship with leaders of the church (Elders, Lead Minister, Ministry Team Leaders, and ministry staff)

  • This position is supervised by the Lead Minister

  • This position will have at least 1 evaluation per year (and more if needed)

  • This person will be expected to adhere to the Personnel Policy of CCC 



  • Organize and oversee Sr. High Youth Group Year-Round on Sundays for 2 hours (currently,  we have 6 people helping teach on a rotation)

  • Less teaching of students, but more “teaching the teachers”

  • Lead or Co-Lead the Youth Ministry Team; which meets monthly

  • Lead or Co-Lead the Children’s Ministry Team; which meets monthly

  • Work with both teams to plan, train, execute, and review all events and programs

  • Organize and oversee the Generation Sundays and Graduation Sunday

  • Maintain Semester Calendars of Youth Programming (K-12)

  • Actively participate in the Vacation Bible School Program

  • Plan retreats, conferences, and mission trips to help grow parents and youth

  • Organize or lead juniors to visit restoration Bible colleges 


Evangelism / Community  

  • Promote Hanging Rock Christian Camp in youth programming (K-12)

  • Keep track of students going to camp and encourage them before, during, or after

  • Incorporate outreach events into regular programming

  • Be actively involved in the local school (Clinton Prairie) thru FCA, sports, music, FFA, award  programs, school lunches, etc.

  • Be actively involved in community events in or around Colfax


Pastoral Care  

  • Establish and maintain a database of youth attendees (K-12) with names and contact  information

  • Contact visitors/families appropriate to the youth ministry (alongside the Lead Minister)

  • Communicate personal availability to the church family (families and youth) 


Administration & Supervision  

  • Utilize technology, social media, bulletin, youth newsletter, youth board, semester  calendars, website to keep parents, youth, and congregants informed of current and  upcoming events and programming

  • Intentionally align programming and events with church vision, mission, and core values

  • Attend all relevant meetings (staff, “In His Service,” Youth Team, Children’s Ministry Team,  and Elders upon request)

  • Manage and oversee all youth programming (K-12), including nursery, toddler, children’s  church, junior church, BLAST (Wednesday elementary), and 419 (Sunday youth)

  • Recruit youth sponsors and teachers as needed

  • Keep office hours as agreed upon with Lead Minister

  • Family Life Minister is part of the Admin Team (staff) and may have some additional  administrative duties

  • Proficient in technology (currently our staff uses Apple/Mac) 



  • Salary - $40K

  • A youth budget of $6,600 has been planned

  • Two weeks of vacation

  • Passes/tickets for school events will be reimbursed

  • Health Insurance and retirement is not provided

Click the button below for the full job description.

Colfax Christian Church

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Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday from 9-2pm


(765) 324-2484


P.O. Box 186

314 S Clark St. 

Colfax, IN 46035

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